
Google webmaster tools - data time lag

I went through the process of verifying ownership of this microenterprise blog of mine with Google Webmaster Tools late evening on July 6, 2010. The first date was returned by Google overnight to be available first thing Monday July 12, 2010. There was one day of data available, and that was for July 9, 2010. It seems, therefore:
  1. There is a 24 to 48 hour delay after registering a new website with Google Webmaster Tools before data begins to be collected.
  2. Once data collection starts, it is prospective only, and accumulates with the passage of time. Historical data prior to the start of data collection is simply not available.
  3. It takes a while before a significant amount of data is collected, for most low-traffic sites. Delaying the set-up is not an advantage here.

Tom Fox
Louisville, Kentucky
Tom Fox on Twitter

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