
RSS syndication feeds: Importing feeds to Tumblr.com

It is possible to import RSS syndication feeds directly into Tumblr.com and have the feed posts appear in Tumblr almost just as if they were originally posted there.  This is a great convenience for establishing and maintaining a semi-automatic blog post RSS syndication feed distribution system, but Tumblr is not totally overjoyed at the prospect of becoming an automated dumping ground for posts coming from and going to someplace else.  Tumblr is in the business of community building.

On Tumbler, an external feed will remain active only so long as a real live person regularly originates posts on Tumblr itself.  "You must log into Tumblr frequently or directly post to Tumblr frequently in order for feed imports to remain active,"  says Tumblr representative Mark Lafountain, here.

In truth, the only genuine advantage from importing an external feed into Tumblr is is you have a collection of followers who read the feed.

Tom Fox
Louisville, Kentucky
Tom Fox on Twitter

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