
Social media: RSS feed to Tagged.com

Tagged.com is a social media site similar to, but much less popular than, Myspace.  Tagged.com appears to be, and has been described as, targeting a 'youth market.'  It is all about games, music, and flirting.

I connected to Tagged.com through Ping.com (see: Distribution channel map), without first checking to see if it was a good audience for an internet marketing blog.  I don't think it is, now that I take a close look at Tagged.com, and the focus of interest there,  However, Tagged.com does pick up and display the twitterized blog post.  The display on Tagged.com includes the Bit.ly shortened link to the original Microenterprise blog post, but it it not an active link.

Tagged.com also provides for a custom URL for my profile page, making it accessible to search engines - at least in theory.  All other of the pages are accessed through generic URLs and session cookies, which is bound to fuddle search bots. Tom Fox's Tagged.com profile page.
Screenshot of www.tagged.com/tomfox

Tom Fox
Louisville, Kentucky
Tom Fox on Twitter

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