Apart from the question if Google sees as much of your site as you wish it to, there is the issue of how Google sees a site. The Google Webmaster Tools keyword data is a useful way to discover keywords you do not want to be given Google search significance. The screenshot below shows the resent keyword results for this blog after seven weeks, eighty posts, and 80 percent of the posts being indexed.
As you can see the red arrows point to "august" and "july" being counted as keywords in the top thirty of the most significant. This is not what I want, and it comes as a surprise. The month in which a post was written has little is any relevance to the content of the posts.

Now that I am aware of the problem, I can investigate it and devise a remedy.
To me it looks like the cause of this problem was my blog setting choices for date formats. I opted for a verbose display, with the names of the months spelled out for each blog post and for the blog archive display. It is a simple matter to change these settings so that dates are displayed in a purely numeric format. Actually doing that immediately changes the date format on the blog posts, but so far it seems to have had no effect upon the blog archive date format.
It makes sense to me that part of keyword optimization is to eliminate the keywords you do not want.

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