
Email marketing - newsletter archives

The internal debate about email newsletter archives revolves around the following possibilities:
  1. Archived email newsletters are not available online.  The theory, if there is one, is to inspire thoughts of exclusivity and immediacy for the subscriber.  The only way to receive the priceless information contained within the newsletter is to subscribe, and if there is undue delay an opportunity will be lost forever. Exclusivity and immediacy.  But, since creating an online newsletter archive involves extra planning and commitment, the default position may be to have no past issue archive at all.
  2. Past issues are available online for subscribers only.  The element of exclusivity is maintained, but the sense of immediacy is eliminated.  If a new issue of a newsletter is published before a visitor decides to subscribe, there is no risk of loss.  The missed newsletter will not be received by email, but it will be available online once the subscription is completed.  If there is a significant collection of past issues available in the archive, access would be an added value enticement for subscription, and it ought to be touted.
  3. General public may read online newsletter archive.  This kills both exclusivity and immediacy as sources of motivation for the act of subscribing, but it may provide additional original content for the search engines to index and rank.  Since the search engines are getting harder to fool, the usefulness of this option depends almost entirely upon actually providing unique content worth reading. There are two variations:

    • Same-domain newsletter archive hosting.
    • Cross-domain past issue hosting.

Tom Fox
Louisville, Kentucky
Tom Fox on Twitter

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